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Lansig Artem -- Utilisation and services conditions


This document presents the conditions to the terms of which any Lansig Artem product or service should be delivered to you, "you" bieng deisgnated hereafter as the "User". This document owns legal value and cancels any other document or previous contract to this one. It constitutes a legal contract between Lansig Artem and the User and consequently, the Buyer.



Is called thereafter, the Supplier, Lansig Artem which address is located at St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, CANADA.

Is called the User, the individual or legal enterprise, which uses or buys products and/or navigate through the present web site.


General Clauses

  1. Lansig Artem maintains all the rights of every copyrighted material. The User cannot utilize the Supplier products or services for illegal use or in the purpose of creating, diffusing audio or graphical matériel of Lansig Artem or present copied or devalued product. Any distribution or leasing and diffusion of such material must be officially autorized by Lansig Artem.
  2. The User accept to protect his/her password and user identification against illegal use or diffusion to any third person aside from the legal employees and the administration of Lansig Artem, or Lansig Artem himself.
  3. The User Identification and the password associated with this site are lended to the User and the according rights are held by Lansig Artem and the administration. The rights to use them could be removed and canceled at any time on non-respect of this contract or conditions.
  4. Administration of this site will never ask you to reveal your password or identification by e-mail or through a third party site. Should this arrive, the User should refuse to reveal these as a fraud could accur.
  5. The User must accept to respect any copyright according to this present site and its content and to never store, communicate, facilitate, duplicate or distribute illegal use of the product of the Supplier, unless he/she has the writen up-to-date autorisation from Lansig Artem, or from the owners of those copyrighted products.
  6. The User can not use the trade marks, site name and logo, the Lansig Artem logo or any copyrighted element appearing or not on this site, on Quarkus Media web site or on any affiliate entity website without a legal and explicit autorisation from concerned entity.
  7. The User understand that forums and testimony pages are considered exchange places with some etiquette to be respected and that he/she must follow the rules accept to adhere to such etiquette.
  8. The User understand and accept that his/her testimony is subject to evaluation and analysis prior to final acceptation. Lansig Artem has the right to publish or not, to delete any testimony that he considers not conform or not useful for the purpose of this site.


Since the canadian and Quebec copyrighted product law, no reimbursement is accorded on products like music albums, printed music or lyrics or any copyrighted item. The only guarantee is that we will exchange any product which is missing, malfunctioning, defective or not conform to our quality control standards.

Personal information and address

To ensure everything is going to go properly and straightforward, the User must make sure these personal informations, and any other information submitted, are all valid.

  • Name and first name
  • Complete street address, or P.O Box
  • Postal code
  • Email
  • Telephone number


Because of the unpredictability and limites, the supplier couldn't and will never be blamed or held responsible for internet connection failure resulting in lost of data of pleasure during the curse of a transaction or navigation through this site. Neither will he be held responsible for the lost of the streaminig or downloading of an audio file. The supplier keeps the right to temporarily or permanently close the access to this for maintenance, upgrading and/or any other reason he may have. But, the supplier will make all efforts he can to preserve the effectiveness and to prevent such interruption from occuring.


The supplier is concerned with the securing of the User data while in a transcation cycle and will make all the necessary efforts to make this site secure to the current commercial standard. The supplier will put the transaction forms in a secured server area that encrypts data with standard SSL protocols. The supplier could not and will not be held responsible of data lost or thieft from transaction the User might has made while not using (consciously or not) the secured area and SSL protocol.

The supplier can not be held responsible in any way for any lost, thieft, resulting damages or destruction of personal data in the event of a server or internet failure, server hacking.

Denial of gaurantee

The supplier's services and products are based according to availability. The supplier is not responsible for delays, lost or damages resulting from the non-availability of such products or services. The only obligation of the supplier is the reimbursement of products and/or services that has not be delivered to, and this, within (1) one month of the date of the official reception of the payment.


Any defect of payment or non-reception of payment results in the automatic cancelation of a contract and withold of the merchandise.

Corrolary: If a product has been delivered and the payment didn't get to us, or the payment has been by after debited from our account for any reason, all products should be returned to the sender without question in the closer to original state as possible at the user's delivery charge, and this, as soon as an advice has been sent to the User.

Fees and product costs

All prices and services are subject to change without notice. All payment should be received prior to the delivery of the product or service. All fees are payable in canadian dollars (CAD) and the canadian taxes added according to the address of the User.

Questions and commentaries

If you have any question or would like to submit some suggestions, please complete this contact form to send this to us.Contact


Delivery Fees and time


All mailings are sent trhough regular posting (Canada Post) through Canada, United-States and internationally. The order system take into calculation the number of items and the destination and canadian and Quebec sales taxes are added according to delivery address.

Delivery time (approx)
1 item
2 items
3 & +
Canada Few days to 2 weeks
United States 1 to 3 weeks
Other destinations 3 to 6 weeks

* Lansig Artem or the administration could not be held responsible for shipping that are returned due to bad destination address! Reshipping will be to the charge of the buyer.

Make sure to enter the exact shipping address!

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